Saturday, July 18, 2015

How did Rhodesian Ridgebacks Become the Best? Find Out.

I recently read an article on Quora which asked an interesting question. That question was this; if you could be the best in the world at something what would it be

This of course made me think of the ridgeback and all of the things they are good at. Which made me think about the creation of the breed. 

These dogs as most of us know where designed and created to hunt lions. 

Here is something interesting. These dogs have ridges running along their spine down their backs. These ridges are formed by hair growing in the opposite direction. The most interesting part is that we do not know where this genetic trait (ridge) came from. The breed dates back to the 16th century, historically we do know that the Hottentot tribes in South Africa bred domestic dogs which had ridges, but we do not know where those dogs came from. There is no record. There are no other ridged dogs domestic or wild anywhere else in the world. 

That is not what makes them the best though,the ridge is just a cosmetic interest, what really makes these dogs the best is what they were bred for. 

They needed to be fast and strong for hunting, have short hair because of the african heat and high density of ticks. They needed to be resilient for hunting and traveling through the varied bush of Africa where temperatures could rapidly change to freezing conditions. 

And this may be the most important part. As settlers traveled through the bush, they needed a dog to protect them as they slept. The dogs also had to be zealously protect their wives in times when they were left alone. 

The result of all this effort is a a dog with extreme intelligence. The breed is considered in the top 10 for protection dogs. Many experts suggest not training a ridgeback as a guard dog because their natural instincts are so strong. I have had my ridgeback for two years and every time she barks or growls, there is a potential threat. Guaranteed. If I am at a park and someone walks up behind me, before they get within 50 ft, she is on intruder alert status. If they get closer she will bark. In the house if someone steps off the front sidewalk towards the house she is suddenly awake and alert. It is an uncanny ability that I love. 

So does that make them the best? Probably not, there are other dogs that do the whole protection scary thing just as well. So what's different about this one. 

Two words, affection and loyalty. These dogs get so attached to you it's unbelievable. and they are the warmest sweetest most sorted hearted creatures I know. It's difficult to describe the bond these dogs have with their family. 

Here is a quick story though which may shed a small ray of light as explanation. When Emma was probably around 3 months old I took her on a hunting trip at our place in the mountains. My dad and a cousin were there so she got to meet this cousin for the first time. She was too afraid to go up the stairs so she ended up curling up with my cousin when she fell asleep. Remember she is just a 3 month old puppy at this time. She didn't see that same cousin for awhile after that as I was living out of state at the time. 

Fast forward 18 months, the same cousin comes to visit and Emma hasn't seen him since she was 3 months old. Now, most of the time we try not to let people walk into the house without putting Emma in the back yard or kenneling her up, because she scares people and barks a lot. So when the cousin knocked at the door I grabbed Emma's collar with one hand and opened the door telling him to come inside with the other hand. 

As a walked her by her collar towards the back door, the cousin told me it was ok, he wanted to see Emma. OK. No problem, except at that moment she broke free from my hand at her collar. I watched in horror as she raced towards him. Yelling, "NO Emma". As she reached him she jumped up and gave him a big lick on the face. 

Everyone else who walked through that door got several barks, or growling, if they were lucky (the unlucky ones got lunged at). 

She remembered that cousin even though she had only met him one time when she was a puppy 18 months ago. And since that incident I have noticed that she never forgets a person. Once she decides she likes someone they are friends for life. 

This combined with their beauty, physical prowess, intellect, affection, and loyalty, is what makes them the best. 

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